Das Geheimnis ist nach der Einstellung der Produktion des openSPOT nun gelüftet !
Er ist bald bei SharkRF im Shop und bei diversen einschlägigen Händlern verfügbar !
Details siehe Webseite!
Compatible digital radio protocols and networks*
* More supported networks and features will be available with new firmware releases.
Key features
Was nun viele Interessieren wird ist der Preis.
Ich vermute aber das er ähnlich wie beim Vorgänger OpenSPOT um die 230 € liegen wird.
Gern könnt ihr hierzu diskutieren.
73 de DO5SPA
Er ist bald bei SharkRF im Shop und bei diversen einschlägigen Händlern verfügbar !
Details siehe Webseite!
Compatible digital radio protocols and networks*
![[Bild: desk.jpg]](https://www.sharkrf.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/desk.jpg)
- DMR (BrandMeister, DMRplus, XLX)
- D-STAR (DCS, REF/DPlus, XRF/DExtra, XLX)
- System Fusion/C4FM (FCS, YSFReflector)
- NXDN (NXDNReflector)
- P25 (P25Reflector)
* More supported networks and features will be available with new firmware releases.
Key features
- Web-based easy and fast Quick Setup
- No additional hardware required, works out of the box without a computer
- All accessories included you need to have the openSPOT2 up and running (USB-C cable, 120V/230V USB power supply)
- Built-in Wi-Fi and radio antenna
- Designed for 24/7 continuous use even in your vehicle with extreme fast bootup and USB power supply tolerance
- User manual available online (not available yet)
- 2 year warranty with official support in email / community forum
- Web interface for configuration and monitoring
- Create your own private radio network using our open source server application
- The only hotspot on the market which is customly designed as a fully dedicated device for standalone operation (no Raspberry Pi or anything like that is used or needed)
- Runs fully embedded software written in pure C, running on an embedded real time operating system. This means no Linux, no bulky Windows software, no failing SD cards – but extreme durability, reliable operation and fast bootup.
- No desktop PC software or drivers to install
- USB-C powered, very low (under 1W) power consumption, 20mW RF output
![[Bild: pcb.jpg]](https://www.sharkrf.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/pcb.jpg)
- Extreme fast bootup: under 5 seconds from powerup to connected to BrandMeister and ready to use
- Built-in Wi-Fi access point mode for quick and easy connecting to Wi-Fi networks
- Multiple Wi-Fi network support with automatic connect and reconnect
- Fully automatic over the air firmware upgrades for new features
- HTTP/WebSocket API with documentation for developers
- Bright multicolor LED with brightness control for easy real time state monitoring
- Built-in voice announcements
- BrandMeister Manager and Quick Call on the web interface for DMR TG/reflector linking/unlinking
- DMR SMS chat
- DMR ID database lookup
- Controllable with calls from your radio to preconfigured IDs/callsigns
- Built-in echo service for testing
Was nun viele Interessieren wird ist der Preis.
Ich vermute aber das er ähnlich wie beim Vorgänger OpenSPOT um die 230 € liegen wird.
Gern könnt ihr hierzu diskutieren.
73 de DO5SPA
Meine Hardware:
YAESU-FT-991-A (im Shack) | YAESU-FTM-400XDE (im Auto) | YAESU-FT-70-D
Retevis RT 3 (DMR)
DB0TPS - MMDVM C4FM/DMR - Repeater sowie DAPNET TX @Altomuenster-JN58OJ im Lkr.DAH
MMDVM-Dual-Hotspot (by BI7tJA)
Diamond X30/X50N (2m/70cm) (12m über Grund)
Langdraht-Antenne (ca 23m) - 10m über Grund (10-160m)
QRV in Wires-X / YSF / DMR in C4FM @ Projekt Pegasus !
DOK D22 - Soziale Medien & EFA-Eisenbahn-Funkamateure-München - DL0BZA - DB0BZA
YAESU-FT-991-A (im Shack) | YAESU-FTM-400XDE (im Auto) | YAESU-FT-70-D
Retevis RT 3 (DMR)

MMDVM-Dual-Hotspot (by BI7tJA)
Diamond X30/X50N (2m/70cm) (12m über Grund)
Langdraht-Antenne (ca 23m) - 10m über Grund (10-160m)
QRV in Wires-X / YSF / DMR in C4FM @ Projekt Pegasus !
DOK D22 - Soziale Medien & EFA-Eisenbahn-Funkamateure-München - DL0BZA - DB0BZA